Now that we have a have a database to save to, we need to create the data that goes in there. We will run the CCP simulation with a variety of parameters and save it to the db. We'll start small here to get an idea of how much data we are creating.
In [1]:
import sqlite3
from numpy.random import beta
from numpy import arange
In [2]:
conn = sqlite3.connect('ICCP-database.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
In [3]:
def single_run_looped(n, a, b):
This is a single run of the CCP.
n = number of unique coupons
m_max = max number of draws to simulate (should be much greater than n)
dist = how are the coupon probabilities distributed (uniform, normal, exponential)
norm_scale = how much to scale the normal distribution standard deviation (0<= norm_scale <1)
m = 0 #start at zero draws
cdf = (arange(n)+1.0)/n #create the draw probability distribution
draws = [] #create our draw array
uniques = [] #create our unique array (deque is faster but may break DB inserts - research)
unique = 0
while True:
m+=1 #increment our draw counter
rv = beta(a, b) #randomness that decides which coupon to draw
draw = (cdf>rv).sum()
if draw not in draws:
uniques.append(unique) #store the info
if unique==n:#we'll stop once we have drawn all our coupons
return uniques #this line returns the full unique draws list; the actual data we want to record
In [4]:
c.execute('drop table if exists draws;')
c.execute('drop table if exists sim;')
c.execute('create table if not exists sim(sim_num integer primary key, n integer, param real, max_draw integer);')
c.execute('create table if not exists draws(sim_num integer, draw_num integer, uniques integer, foreign key(sim_num) references sim(sim_num), primary key(sim_num, draw_num));')
sim_num = 0
for n in arange(1,76,1):
for param in arange(1, 2):
for sim in range(100):
sim_num = sim_num + 1
uniques = single_run_looped(n, param, param)
mydict = zip([sim_num]*len(uniques), range(1,len(uniques)+1), uniques)
c.execute('insert into sim(sim_num, n, param, max_draw) values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3});'.format(sim_num, n, param, len(uniques)))
c.executemany('insert into draws(sim_num, draw_num, uniques) values (?,?,?);', mydict)
In [5]: